What Chemicals Are Lurking In Your Cosmetics Case?

Plumper. Fuller. Brighter. Longer.

These are some of the latest makeup trends.

With all the glitz and glamour displayed through media and social media, women feel more pressure than ever to look their best.

Such an emphasis on how we look, has the cosmetic industry booming with new products. 

But what exactly goes into making that beautiful bright shade of red in your new lipstick? 

What makes up the eyeshadow you’re using for your smokey eye?

Just what are we putting on our faces, bodies, and even hair? Or should I say chemicals?


Don’t Judge the Makeup by the Color..

But maybe, we should judge our makeup by its ingredients.

Let’s go back to the beginning for a minute.

Not only is our society more appearance conscious, but we have become more aware of our health too. 

Pushing for less added sugars in our foods. Wanting them to be more organic and natural as intended by nature.

So why would our beauty products be any different?

We care about the foods we consume and we should also take the same care in the cosmetics we use.

But the government regulates this kind of stuff, right? 

That is not entirely true. 

Fact: The cosmetic industry is worth over $62 billion dollars and has little regulations from the FDA. 

In fact, the latest headlines in the news have covered just how the cosmetic industry is one of the least regulated industries today.

As of now, it is up to the companies that make these beauty products to ensure that the ingredients they use are not harmful to consumers.

The FDA cannot even issue a recall for cosmetics.  All they can do is urge the makers to recall a product should it create too many adverse reactions. 

In fact, most ingredients in cosmetic products have not been tested. Only a small percentage.

Think about how many of those untested chemicals affect us when the average female puts on about 12 beauty products a day. 

It has been said that 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our body.

Fact: Some research has shown that we absorb anywhere from 8 -10,000 toxins from our beauty products. (https://smartklean.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/personal-care-products-why-should-you-be-concerned/)

With that in mind, we should know what makes up our makeup.

After all, every time you lick your lips with lipstick on, rub lotion after a shower, or even blink your eyes with all that eyeliner, you consume some of your makeup.

So what are we consuming?

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Mercury, Hair Loss and Lead..Oh My

The recent headlines show the cosmetic industry has been under some scrutiny. 

People have been claiming of suffering severe hair loss while using the product Wen, by Chaz Dean.

The FDA has launched an investigation over 127 complaints directly reported to the agency. And over 21,000 complaints from customers reported to the company. 

One customer, was a 10 year old girl, named Eliana, who lost her hair after 3 uses of the product. Others have said they experienced: hair breakage, rash and itching.

According to the EWG, they have stated some chemicals in Wen are known allergens. 

These include: 

  • Methylisothiazolinone
  • Hydroxycitronellal
  • Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde

The article mentioned how these chemicals can cause itchiness, rashes or even more severe allergic reactions.

We will see what comes of the investigations the FDA conducts.


Creme De Le Poison

In other products, mostly anti-aging creams, Mercury has been used as an ingredient. An article in Across America Patch stated that some cosmetics manufactured outside of the U.S. contain this dangerous substance in unsafe amounts. 

Although companies are supposed to include all ingredients on the label, most companies have found a way to get around this rule. 

Other than Mercury, keep an eye out for such ingredients:

  • Mercurio
  • Mercuric
  • Calomel
  • Mercurous Chloride

Chances are if your cosmetics contain these names, it is not safe for use.

Fact: Mercury is known to cause brain, lung and kidney damage in humans, and is linked to birth defects for women exposed during pregnancy. It can be absorbed through the skin as well as through inhalation.

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Sealed With A Lead Smooch

Back in 2007 the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics conducted research on popular lipstick brands. Their study concluded that over 61 brands of lipstick contained lead and found that popular brands were included as the culprits. 

A later study conducted by the FDA showed over 400 lipsticks containing lead. However, the FDA has stated these amounts are small and will not cause any harm to consumers.

The lead in found in lipsticks occurs naturally from the pigments added. Even though this may be the case, does not mean it can not be harmful to us over time. No matter how small the amount may be.

Usually when you we apply lipstick, You tend to reapply throughout the day. And think about how often you may use this product in a given week. 

Lead is known to accumulate in the body over time. With that said, every time you apply that lovely shade of red to your pucker, your body is being exposed to this chemical.

Not only is lead carcinogenic, but it is linked to:

  • Reproductive problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Brain damage

Fact: Science research has indicated that even in small doses; exposure to lead can be dangerous.

The safest thing for consumers to do is to avoid being exposed to lead even in the most minute doses. Including cosmetics. 

I know what you must be thinking. 

What else could they possibly add to my beauty aids that is worse than Mercury, Lead, and harmful allergens?

Let’s take a look.


Can the Use of Cosmetics Lead To Cancer?

It’s possible. Especially since a lot of commercial cosmetics contain carcinogens.

That’s right. Some of the ingredients to make up your beauty care products are carcinogenic. 

Meaning they can cause cancer.

Fact: These ingredients can be found in many products including shampoo, body lotion, eye shadow and lipstick, to name a few. They are also found in some of the most popular brands on the market like L’Oreal, CoverGirl, Axe, Dove, and the list goes on.

Ask yourself, why are known cancer causing chemicals in my beauty products?

According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, many of these products contain multiple carcinogens. 

Such examples include:

  1. Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde-Releasing Preservatives
  2. Coal Tar
  3. Silica
  4. Carbon Black
  5. Talc
  6. Benzophenone- 1
  7. Titanium Dioxide
  8. Arsenic
  9. Phenacetin

Fact: There have been at least 11 known carcinogens placed in our cosmetics. The list above names only a few of these chemicals.

In other countries these chemicals have been banned for use in makeup. The European Union bans over 1300 chemicals for use in beauty products. In comparison, the U.S. has banned only 11. 

I think it is time for some action, don’t you?

Not only can these carcinogens cause cancer, but there are other health concerns associated with these chemicals as well.


  • Affects hormones
  • Can disrupt reproduction 
  • Can negatively impact the development of a baby, if pregnant
  • Possibly toxic to our environment
  • Respiratory problems
  • Skin and Eye Irritation 

Now it should be noted, that there have not been enough studies done on cosmetics to infer they will directly cause cancer in the long or short term. 

Some studies conducted have shown if they can cause allergic reactions. However, studies have been conducted on some of the chemicals separately to determine if they are carcinogenic.

Note: I think the concern here, is more that these chemicals are known to be carcinogenic to humans. And are still being used in our beauty products even in small amounts. 

The other concern is that the FDA does not have enough power to regulate cosmetic companies. There needs to be more laws, and regulations in place.  

This is why we have to be proactive as consumers. 


More Than Meets the Eye

Being a proactive consumer, is important. It is not just about reading the product label, but more about the research before you buy.

Natural. Organic. Pure.

When we see these words on the label we think, “Perfect, just what I am looking for in a product.”

Not really. These words are just marketing

They are used to catch the consumer’s eye and make them think it is what they want. I have fallen for it too. 

Companies know what the consumer wants and they use these terms to get us to buy their products. However, usually these products are not as pure and natural as they seem.

So what are we to do?

More research. 

The EWG, has a database of cosmetic brands, and lets you know which ones you may want to rethink buying. 

It rates the ingredients in a product on a scale from 1-10, 1 being the least hazardous. It also gives you an overall rating of the product, which can be higher or lower depending on the ingredients it contains. 

To check the scores of your current beauty products click here: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ 

Another way to avoid hazardous chemicals in beauty products is through the Red List. The campaign for safe cosmetics has made a list of chemicals to avoid in each category. 

Reviewing this list before making any purchases can make it easier to spot these ingredients. Check out the various lists here: http://www.safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/chemicals-of-concern/red-list/

You should not have to be a scientist in order to decipher what is in your cosmetics. 

Looking at the label for ingredients is another easy way to avoid unnecessary chemicals. But an easier way maybe to buy products from brands that are more natural. 

Purchasing products with fewer ingredients that you can pronounce is another helpful tip when shopping. 


Your Body Is Your Temple

At the end of the day, not only what you put into your body counts. But also, what you put on your body.

We should know what is in the products that we use. Especially, with beauty aids that we use daily like soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, etc. 

Whatever goes onto our body will eventually end up in our bloodstream. Using chemical ladened products can only put our health and bodies at risk for diseases and harm later.

There are a number of natural products that can provide the same desired look without the chemicals. Researching can not only protect yourself, but your family and kids from these products. 

There is more of a push to regulate the cosmetic industry due to recent incidences. But until then, it is up to us to be proactive.

So now that you are armed with information, start living a healthier life both inside and out.

All Photos provided by Pexels and Flickr

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